Thursday 20 January 2011

Justification of why I chose a Blog
 Came  to the conclusion  that using a blog  page as my  medium  of communication was the best option I had as it is quite to manage.
   Aside form proper management it is easy to setting up a blog page. It mainly requires you to choose the blog host define your blog and state its purpose of existence. After this you can now start creating and publishing your articles. (These articles are referred to as blog post).
    For a while now blogs have been quite in use and is one of the most effective way of getting issues and articles across people who are frequent read of your blog articles.
    The blog page components are arranged so that the readers can easily find what they are looking for and also catch-up on what they missed. Blog post are chronologically arranged on the blogger page, this makes it easier for the person reading the blog to locate what he is looking for based on a time interval.
     Most blog pages all so have comments box located below each post. This allows readers to leave their ideas and opinions concerning particular issues about the blog post. This makes it a more interactive process than using a traditional websites.   

Thursday 9 December 2010

Social impacts of Video conferencing

Like  every other thing in the  universe it  has its  Ups and  Downs  commonly  known as Advantages and  Disadvantages
I would  like to commence  with the ad vantages
Advantages of  video  conferencing 

  1. It saves t The cost and time of having to travel to  the  place to meet with the person  you wish to talk with
  2. It is more environment  friendly   because you do not  have to burn  petrol travelling
  3. It enables large companies  with international branches arrange meetings on short notice
  4. It enables employees to work from home thereby increasing work flexibility.
  5. Some educational institutions, mainly long distance education programs and instructional courses, have realised the enormous benefits of video conferencing. Tutors and students are able to access lectures, study material, group discussions, and even on a one-to-one talk with the instructor. Video conferencing has taken education into far corners of the world
6.  Videoconferencing makes it easier to access experts in a medical environment. Doctors, scientists and researchers, can bring together their findings and studies.  
 This advancement would not only help save lives, but can also help many people who can't travel distances to access health care.

   And for the Disadvantages
Disadvantages of  video  conferencing  
  1. The most probable disadvantages of video conferencing are the technical difficulties associated with smooth transmissions that could result from software, hardware or network failure.
  2. Remote connections are sometimes known to be hampered by environmental changes. This would cost lost  of money as the problem would need to be rectified, whenever it occurs
  3. It costs a lot of money to rectify if a problem occurs.
  4. Sometimes the absence of technical support personnel creates difficulty for participants who are unfamiliar with the videoconferencing technological concepts.
  5.  A major drawback is the lack of personal interaction that sets the tone for many business meetings. Basic interactive gestures expressed by members in that meeting such as; handshake and eye-contact are essential aspects but wouldn’t be observed in a video conference meeting. Some meetings require a personal touch to be successful
  6. People could develop various forms of cancer form spending  too much time around over al long periods of time (e.g. over 10-15yrs) electronics

Thursday 11 November 2010

 Below are the thins you would need  to enable you enagage in a vidoe conferencing
  1. Monitor  or a screen
  2. video camera
  3. broadband
  4. computer
  5. microphones (everyone)
  6. internet
  7. speakers
1.Make sure you use the right equiment both parties in the conference need to be connected via the Internet using one of several available services like SKYPE or Adobe Connect, or NetMeeting.

2.SKYPE is good for one-to-one conferencing if you want to retain the video aspect. You can have up to 15 callers in a SKYPE call, but will lose the video with the third caller. SKYPE is free.

3. So the people in the conferencing will need to have a webcam, speaker and microphone. But headset will work better in the work place because it will not bother others.

4.Decide on the time for the video conference and make sure all parties are given log-in information or are at their desks ready to accept a video call and make sure all the equiment is working and ready to uses.
5.Have an agenda or schedule prepared so the conference can move along on time. If there are handouts, make sure they are emailed to all participants before the start of the conference so everyone is prepared and some chat sites have feature so they can asjk questions. Set guidelines for handling interaction like questions and comments.

What hardware is require

In order to actually set up a computer, first and foremost, you need a computer and a modem connected to the internet, you will also need a webcam to send all the images, a microphone to carry the sound, and speakers in order to hear the sound from the other end of the conversation. You also need to make sure that the person you wish to have a video conference with also has all of this equipment.

How it can be used

It can be used for both personal and professional reasons. For example, you may want to speak to a friend who is staying in another country. Large businesses also use video conferences to have company meetings with other branches of the organisation.

Video conferencing

The  empahsis  on  video confrencing vidoe comfrencing is  on  high demand. But video cnfrencing  is mainly needed by  large  industries.
Video conferencing works similar to a telephone, only it also works visually as well. All images and sound carried out by one person is transmitted over the network and sent directly to the other person in the conference. A video conference is mainly used by two people, but multipoint video conferences can be set up to talk to three or more people.